• Introduction
  • Introduction

Quick presentation of the Noveine project. A very complete file is reserved for partners.

An observation.

Noveine’s ambition is to contribute to the immense challenge of feeding the population while preserving the planet.
These issues are not new, but the awareness and acceptance by the majority of people of their individual responsibility is very recent.

In recent years, the news has shown the devastation caused by the unreasonable exploitation of the planet. Pollution, global warming, depletion of natural resources; the facts have become clear to everyone, and mentalities have evolved, the world population is beginning to change its consumption habits, including in the regions most involved in these excesses.

The health of the planet and the health of people are back at the heart of concerns. Better food, better consumption, while respecting the environment, a wish that is finally imposed on all.


One answer.

Meeting protein needs in an environmentally responsible way is possible. Insects are a source of quality protein, and their farming has a small ecological footprint. Their production requires much less space and resources than animal breeding or aquaculture.

This type of product, previously shunned in the West, is now accepted by consumers. The potential is immense. Antomoculture is a new activity in France, it meets the need to provide healthy food and fully respects the environment. We are at a turning point, it is now or never to seize the opportunity to participate actively in the creation of a virtuous activity.

Noveine’s ambition is to manufacture by anto-conversion, organic and certified quality products; in particular proteins and Omegas, necessary for human nutrition.
Noveine also wants to be responsible and exemplary in its activity; self-sufficient from an energy point of view, emitting no pollution, no waste and guaranteeing 100% made in France at all levels of its activity. This is an ambitious challenge, but one that is fully part of the project’s definition. The technical and economic choices allow us to integrate these choices and to draw strength and benefits from them.