• Eco-responsible
  • Eco-responsible

One of Novéine’s stated ambitions is to be eco-responsible.

From the construction of the farm, to the delivery of the products, through each step, each operating position, the specifications integrate this data as a priority.


The building will integrate different systems which together must allow for a surplus of energy needs.

– Temperature and hygrometry control of the breeding rooms.
– Heat recovery, by exchanger, always in the breeding rooms.
– Geothermal energy, for the heating of the building, the maintenance of the photovoltaic panels in winter.
– A very large area of photovoltaic panels to provide electricity to all the farm’s machines.
– Hybrid solar panels, to complement the geothermal energy.
(1800 square meters of useful surface in flat roof).


The greatest attention is given to the respect of the environment, the eco-responsibility is guaranteed by a charter and the total traceability.

– The farm will operate in BIO, with no use of phytosanitary products. The passage by the cold, the dehydration, and of course a monitoring at each stage, analyses, will be the guarantees of the quality of the products.


– A charter has been put in place for internal processes to eliminate waste, prohibit the production of waste, and limit the impact of the company’s activities on the planet to a minimum.
– The preferred choice of natural, recyclable products for all the needs of the activity, for example packaging.


– Attention will be paid to transportation, with a choice towards those who will choose hydrogen vehicles.